No images? Click here Sourdough Dashi Scallion PancakesOne of the trickiest parts of maintaining a sourdough starter is figuring out what to do with all that extra unused starter that accumulates as you feed your culture. Sure, you could be reckless and throw it out (it's called "discard," after all). But why not use your starter to make some other delicious carby concoction? Many sourdough-discard recipes fall into two camps: pancakes and crackers. In contrast to the painstaking process of baking a proper loaf, these discard recipes are meant to be quick, simple, and satisfying. Since you’re not relying on slow leavening, the starter is primarily there for its distinctive sour flavor. Here’s one more idea to add to your sourdough-discard recipe card file: a funky take on thin, savory scallion pancakes that requires just a few staple ingredients. These pancakes are crepe-like, crispy on the edges and tender toward the center. They're great for wraps, as a side for roast chicken, or just as a quick snack. More savory pancake stovetop recipes |