For those looking to get started at home No images? Click here An Introduction to Korean Cooking in RecipesThe Korean diaspora is vast: 6.5 million scattered around the globe, from Uzbekistan to Brazil. Just as diasporic Koreans carry a range of food memories from different eras and regions, different communities incorporate local ingredients in different ways, and everyone’s grandmother has her own take on the best everyday kimchi: which vegetables to use, how spicy or fishy it should be, and how long it should ferment. (There are even—yes—Koreans who don’t like kimchi.) In creating this guide, Sonja Swanson set out to include dishes that serve as culinary touchstones—ones that most Koreans would recognize as being, well, Korean. Korean families might quibble with the inclusion of a dish here and there, but if you’re looking to become more familiar or reacquainted with Korean cuisine, the list of dishes described below is a good place to begin. Think of it as a starter pack. Essential Korean Dishes |