No Images? Click here Corned Beef Brisket, Potatoes, Cabbage, and Carrots There are two basic steps to corned beef: the rub and the cooking. The rub consists of a mix of spices and, more importantly, the salt and nitrites that give corned beef its characteristic hammy flavor. Cooking the brisket after it's been cured is simple—you can essentially just simmer it until tender—but for the best corned beef, you'll want to use low and steady heat for a long time for the juiciest results. The Kitchen Essential Pink Curing Salt More Festive St. Paddy's Day Recipes |
Monday, March 4, 2019
St. Patrick's Day Plans: Corned Beef Brisket
How to Buy a Good Bottle of Olive Oil
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Saturday, March 2, 2019
Homemade Bagels That Stay Fresh for Days
Your Recipe of the Day No Images? Click here Homemade Bagels Stella's method isn't exactly traditional, but it's a surefire way to guarantee homemade bagels that stay fresh long enough to enjoy them a few days in a row. They're chewy but tender, with a blistered crust that's eggshell thin and perfectly crisp. The trick is to pre-cook a portion of the flour and water on the stovetop, which improves browning and moisture retention and leads to bagels that won't turn into bricks overnight. The Kitchen Essential Food Processor Serve Your Bagels With... |