"Every Night Is Pizza Night" is here! No images? Click here Kenji Wrote a Children’s Book (About Pizza, Of Course)Hi everyone, meet Pipo. Pipo thinks that pizza is the best. No, Pipo knows that pizza is the best. It is scientific fact. But when she sets out on a neighborhood-spanning quest to prove it, she discovers that “best” might not mean what she thought it means. That's the premise of Kenji's new book, Every Night is Pizza Night, which is now on sale. During her quest, Pipo and her dog Muttzarella break bread with a host of new friends, each with their own idea of what "best" means. Is Eugene's family recipe for bibimbap better than pizza? What about the Moroccan tagine that reminds Farah of her home? Or maybe the best food in the world the kind of food you share with the people you love? The message of the book is one of family, community, multiculturalism, and open-mindedness, all lessons Kenji wants his own daughter to understand growing up. We hope you and the children in your life have as much fun reading it as Gianna Ruggiero and Kenji had making it. The Food Lab Junior And, of course, for those of you wondering, there's a pizza recipe featured in the book. Plus, if you follow along on our Food Lab Junior column we'll be sharing recipes for the foods that Pipo discovers in the book, each with the goal of getting kids involved in the kitchen. |