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FEATURES Over It: The Food Trends We'd 86 Whether outdated or just plain obnoxious, these are the culinary trends we find as sad and unappealing as a pile of zoodles.
Combine the classic bistro soup with a Tatin for the fanciest caramelized onion tart around.
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The Kitchen Essential Messermeister Avanta Steak Knives These steak knives (the winner of our best steak knives test, in case you missed it) were a major hit last week for Small(er) business deals week. Don't worry if you missed the boat—they're still a great price.
FEATURES A Field Guide to Sweet Potato Varieties (and the Dirt on Yams)
Can you tell your jewels from your garnets? A guide to common supermarket sweet potato varieties to know and love.
FEATURES A Chefs' Guide to Eating Out in Boston
Let industry pros show you the best spots to eat in Beantown.