Rollin' up No Images? Click here Home-Style Tamagoyaki (Japanese Rolled Omelette) Flavored with dashi, mirin (sweet rice wine), and usukuchi (light) soy sauce, this tamagoyaki is delicate yet infused with rich and savory flavors. Making tamagoyaki requires a special rectangular pan so that the final rolled omelette has a uniform shape. We recommend starting with a smaller pan, roughly five-by-seven inches; once you've mastered the rolling technique in that pan, you can try making larger ones if you want. This recipe and technique was taught to us by chef Daisuke Nakazawa of Sushi Nakazawa in New York city and Washington, DC. The Kitchen Essential We prefer nonstick tamagoyaki pans over the traditional kind because of the sloped front edge, which makes flipping the tamagoyaki easier. Be forewarned: the circular nonstick you have at home won't work for this application! More omelettes for maximum egg-joyment |