See it in action! No Images? Click here Introducing Our New Friend: RelishWe've been brewing up something special for our readers for quite some time, and we're finally ready to make it public. It's called Relish, and it's basically an electronic assistant for your grocery-shopping needs. Perhaps you've even spotted it already—it's been hanging out on the site for a few months for beta-testing. You know the team at Serious Eats is committed to precision, so we've been testing Relish for months. We're happy to report the program has been carefully engineered by real live humans—people we've had phone calls and email exchanges and lunches and drinks with—who care about making your shopping experience as seamless and accurate as possible. Relish isn't always perfect, because online grocery shopping isn't always perfect. If you don’t want to use it, don’t—we’ve tried to make it as unobtrusive as possible. But we're confident we’ve made Relish as accurate and responsive as 2019 will allow us to get. Try It Out For Yourself! |