I'm writing to you from a high-speed train zipping from Paris to Antwerp. Why can't we get trains right in America? I would love nothing more than to take a high-speed train across the country.
I'm with Jojo, Food52's GM, and we're on a sourcing trip, which, in the world of home, may sound like a shopping trip where you stock up on products. In reality, it has meant walking eight miles at a trade show in the very unglamorous outskirts of Paris, checking out shops around Paris to find new products and to study their visual merchandising, and trekking to a ceramics factory near Marrakech. Throughout, we're taking photos, video, and notes on everything we're seeing so that we can turn them into new product ideas, find new color inspiration, source smart new makers, understand how the products we offer are made—and make Food52's Shop the best in the world.
Over the next few newsletters, I'll share glimpses, trends, and commentary from the trip!
Color Trend