Good morning. Earlier this week, I stumbled across the following headline:
Fear and panic ensued. I now understood how somebody became a pandemic toilet paper hoarder: A world without summer oysters is not one my New England brain can process.
Then I read the article (which is wonderfully written and researched by Devon Fredericksen) and was pleasantly surprised by its ultimate conclusion: Summer oysters aren't entirely disappearing, their flavor and texture just might change a bit.
I can live with that. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying this summer's oysters by referencing these articles and recipes:
Farmers market season is well upon us, and we're reviewing our ultimate guide to summer vegetables (which is conveniently organized into three categories: early summer, midsummer, and late summer). Of the article's 43 veggie-forward recipes, here are four of our favorites:
If Food52 HQ maintained weekly rankings of the best bites our Test Kitchen team's provided us throughout the year (think: an edible version of the Billboard Hot 100), César's kiwi and tomatillo pulled pork would be a lock for the top three. You can find the recipe here.
We also just released our third episode of That's Cool. Who Made It?—a deep dive into a Long Island bookbinder who's worked with some of the biggest names in American luxury. This was one of the most fulfilling projects I've worked on at Food52—and I hope you enjoy this story as much as we do. You can watch the video here.
When searching for culinary direction, Test Kitchen member César says there's one place that never lets him down:
"Food Bazaar is where I find inspiration. They've got nearly every tropical tuber. The seafood selection is incredible—I mean, the last time I was there, they had three different types of snapper to choose from. Even the frozen food aisle is well curated. I love Food Bazaar."
And our team does too, because we really, really like César's food.
That's a wrap for this week!
See you next Sunday for more chatter about what's happening at Food52 HQ.