Brownies deserve their time in the sun. For too long, have these cookies/cake/fudge-like treats been shunted to the confectionary shadows by more photogenic desserts. This is a mistake. Brownies are delicious, beloved, and the perfect bookend to a burger-filled afternoon. Today, make any of our seven favorite brownie recipes, and you'll understand why I'm so committed to Brownie Back Better. |
After sampling and sampling and sampling Nea's new mac & cheese with peas until it somehow disappeared, I coded the following reminder into my brain: "If rain, make mac." With putrid weather crashing upon the Northeast for the next two days, I should have plenty of time to make this recipe. While the content of this newsletter typically steers clear of promotions and sales, I'd be remiss not to mention the compelling offer our shop team put together for this weekend—and that's gifting you (read: free stuff) a hyper-useful slotted spatula (great for frying, flipping eggs, and turning fish) when you purchase this skillet. |
After two straight weeks of you guys devouring these pasta salad recipes, we've taken the notes: Chilled grains + vegetables + dressing = You want. This couscous salad is a fantastic version of the aforementioned equation. So is this one. |
That's a wrap for this week! See you next Sunday for more chatter about what's happening at Food52 HQ. —Paul, Editor |
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