| | That's what you'll find in this roundup of 70 of the greatest Genius Recipes for fall, broken down by every need for the season—from cozy soups to quick school-morning breakfasts.
(And importantly, as of this writing, there are at least four kinds of crispy potatoes).
|  | Kristen Miglore | Founding Editor of Food52, Auditioning a Fifth Potato | | | | The Apple-iest Applesauce | This is my longtime favorite way to make applesauce, without pouring on (maybe any) sugar. But watch out for my upstaging costar. | | | A Chicken Nugget is an Act of Love | In this week's session episode of The Genius Recipe Tapes podcast, Cooking for Your Kids author Joshua David Stein shares how curbing picky eating might have more to do with us than them. | | The security-blanket oven mitts I don't bake without just popped up in an extra-soothing new color. | | | | | Good-Smelling Kitchens, Straight Ahead | | | | A Genius 5-Ingredient, 20-Minute Fancypants Holiday Dessert | | | | | | | | | Thomas Keller's Butternut Soup with Brown Butter, Sage, and Nutmeg Crème Fraîche | | | | | | | | | | | Fluffy-Gooey Genius Cinnamon Rolls (No Yeast Know-How Required) | | | | | | | | | Nekisia Davis' Olive Oil & Maple Granola | | | | | | | | | | | Is This the Most Genius Way to Cook Sweet Potatoes? | | | | | | | | | Melissa Clark's Stovetop Mac & Cheese | | | | | | | | | | | | | Oven to Table (to Oven to Table) | | | | | | | | |