| | This brilliant recipe from Splendid Table host Francis Lam will give you: a cure for your pasta rut, a home for that eggplant (or zucchini or pepper) that won't wait one more day, and another reason to keep the oven firmly off.
|  | Kristen Miglore | Founding Editor of Food52, Officially Un-Rutted | | | | This Video Has Everything | Bashing vegetables to bits, cheeky Francis Lam jokes, an undramatic reading of Harold McGee's On Food & Cooking, everything. | | | On this week's episode of The Genius Recipe Tapes, Francis tells us about his fraught beginnings with eggplant that led to a detente (and this recipe) and how he approaches editing the books so many of us cook from. | | These are the washable, reusable, and, ultimately, compostable sponge cloths that I use for everything from blotting eggplant to steadying my cutting board to wiping up the food my daughter "accidentally" throws on the floor (luckily she likes cleaning up with them, too). | | | | | | | The Italian Pasta Trick No One Talks About | | | | | | | | | Michel Guérard's Sauce Vierge | | | | | | | | | | | This Simple, Genius Pad Thai Is All Thanks to a Chef's Grandma | | | | | | | | | Al Forno's Penne With Tomato, Cream & 5 Cheeses | | | | | | | | | | | This Genius Pasta Recipe Pretty Much Makes Its Own Sauce | | | | | | | | | Patricia Yeo's Sesame Noodles | | | | | | | | | | | | |