Bring the ocean to your home No images? Click here Bring the Ocean to You With These Spicy, Citrusy Ceviche RecipesCeviche and aguachile have a lot in common, both in ingredients and preparation.The key distinction between the two is that while ceviche is marinated for anywhere from five to 30 minutes for optimal curing time, aguachile is simply tossed with lime juice and served immediately, making it sashimi-raw when eaten. The spicy and citrusy flavors of ceviche and aguachile vary and are really up to your imagination, but these recipes give you an idea of where to start. From classic shrimp aguachile and Peruvian-style ceviche to an arctic char aguachile with mint and a Peruvian-Japanese fusion dish, these are our favorite ways to bring the taste of fresh seafood home. Ceviche and aguachile recipes |