The $6 essential. No images? Click here Every Kitchen Should Have a Bowl Scraper Because of their flat, asymmetrical edge, bowl scrapers make quick work of cutting and dividing dough. We use them whenever we make gnocchi, cut logs for orecchiette, or have to divide small portions of dough. Since they're made of plastic, these scrapers won't ruin a nice wooden, granite, or marble table surface, either. Outside of dough work, bowl scrapers shine even brighter. Corralling cut ingredients from your cutting board is an essential kitchen skill, and using a fast, lightweight bowl scraper like this one makes the process almost second nature. Need to quickly clean up the mess of carrot peels on your station and that explosion of whole wheat flour on the counter? Bowl scraper’s got your back. Pushing purées of mashed potatoes through a fine-mesh tamis? Bowl scraper is the weapon of choice. Grab a set for yourself! At a staggering $6, this set might just be the cheapest (and most useful!) kitchen equipment you could own. Recipes for your bowl scraper |