| | Before I get to my latest news, a couple of quick PSAs: - If you want a cool advent calendar (we have 19 to choose from), get on it, because they go FAST. I ordered the one by La Maison du Chocolat.
- We are T-minus 13 days from Thanksgiving. Order your turkey today! And put a note on your fridge that says to defrost it on Monday, November 21.
- Sadly, we're not able to pull off the Holiday Swap this year, but it will be back—and better than ever—next year! In the meantime, this year we're doing a Holiday Community Cookbook and I hope you'll add your family recipe. Get all the details here.
| What's going on around Food52? | I've been settling in with Alex, my co-CEO (soon-to-be CEO). We recently went to Schoolhouse, our sister company in Portland, Oregon, and showed up—by accident—dressed alike. How's that for synergy?! | I re-launched Amanda Messes Up in the Kitchen, this time with a new, less-squeaky oven door. In my most recent episode, I made Slow-Roasted Chicken With Extra-Crisp Skin, a dish featured in Kristen Miglore's new book, Simply Genius. The recipe takes every chicken roasting tip you've learned and tosses it out the window. I don't want to spoil it—you've gotta try it. | Life-enhancing discovery: | You don't sharpen your knives either? Oh good, we can be friends! I recently tried this new knife-sharpening service, Knife Aid. You put your knives in a secure envelope they provide, ship them off, and less than a week later, they come back, ready for you to dull them down again! | Life-saving product recommendation: | I'm asking you! Our new office in the Brooklyn Navy Yard is opening soon, and I'm going to need an e-bike to get to it. I've been eyeing up the Van Moof but would love other recommendations. Email me at hello@food52.com. | We're overhauling our emails. We were bored of them…and so were you! We rolled out our first experiment: a daily email containing one extraordinary recipe that we hand select for you. We'd love to hear what you think so far. | In addition to Simply Genius mentioned above, another Food52er, Erin McDowell, also has a new book out: Savory Baking. We got to know Erin as a community member. One day 10 years ago, when we were short-staffed in our test kitchen, we asked her if she could help us out. The rest is history. Erin now hosts our most popular show, Bake It Up a Notch. | Products I recently ordered (yes, I shop from Food52, too!): | Tell me what to make next! | | Amanda | Founder & Co-CEO | | | | | | | |